Electrical major, in the State Grid Corporation of China, the employment prospect is very good
  • Addtime:2021-06-30
  • Tags:Industry news
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Electrical engineering related majors are very suitable for male students to fill in the college entrance examination. It mainly cultivates senior technical talents who can solve the problems of electrical engineering technology analysis and control, and can be engaged in electrical engineering and automation, economic management, computer technology application and other fields.

This major mainly studies the professional knowledge of electrical technology, electrical engineering and automation technology, computer technology, information control technology, electronic technology and so on. It is required to master the basic ability to solve the problems of electrical engineering technology and control technology. As long as the graduates are successful in their studies, they will be able to apply their studies. The employment situation and development prospects are good.

They can work in power companies at all levels, such as State Grid Corporation of China, China Southern Power Grid Corporation, and also in domestic power generation companies. As long as the graduates have rich professional knowledge and excellent comprehensive quality, they will have a good development prospect and salary.

You can get a job in the Engineering Bureau. You are mainly responsible for the technical work of building power plants and substations. The workplace will change frequently and the work is hard. However, the salary is considerable.

Graduates with master's degree or above can work in Electric Power Research Institute and Electric Power Design Institute. Their work is relatively easy and their salary is also very good.

If you have solid basic theoretical knowledge and strong practical ability, as well as good communication skills and language skills, you can teach in various colleges and universities.

Generally, most of the graduates of this major will go to the electrical equipment company and the power manufacturing industry to engage in related professional work. Mainly engaged in technology research and development, project management, experimental analysis, technology management and other work. This aspect needs a large number of talents with electrical engineering technology.

Source: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1703862180898234583&wfr=spider&for=pc